[SOLVED] VSCode PackageManagement Error

Started getting the following error in VSCode recently:

You have an older version of PackageManagement known to cause issues with the PowerShell extension. Would you like to update PackageManagment

I ran Get-Module -ListAvailable PackageManagement | fl and saw I had an old PackageManagement v1.0.0.1 version installed

Problem was when I clicked to update the version, I was met with the following error that it could not resolve the PSGallery

Unable to resolve package source https://www.powershellgallery.com/api/v2

This is because my system was behind a firewall and we are required to go thru Nexus proxy nuget repo for this stuff. To do that, I needed to run PowerShell as administrator and add our internal PSRepository

Register-PSRepository -Name Nexus-PowerShell -SourceLocation https://registry.devlesson.com/repository/nuget-powershell -PublishLocation https://registry.devlesson.com/repository/nuget-powershell -InstallationPolicy Trusted

Once that we done, I was able to find and install a newer copy of PackageManagement

Find-Module PackageManagement -Repository Nexus-Powershell | Install-Module -Scope AllUsers -AllowClobber

And finally, I went ahead and removed the older version. (Note: This has to be done in the right order. Make sure you have the new version installed first or you’ll encounter a message that find-module was found but could not be loaded.

Remove-Item 'C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\PackageManagement\' -Recurse -Force

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